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42 trafficking in counterfeit labels

PDF Appendix H Title 18 — Crimes and Criminal Procedure, U.S. Code § 2318· trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or counterfeit documentation or packaging1 (a)(1)whoever,inanyofthecircumstancesdescribedinsubsection(c),know- inglytrafficsin— (a) a counterfeit label or illicit label affixed to, enclosing, or accompany- ing,ordesignedtobeaffixedto,enclose,oraccompany— (i) a phonorecord; (ii) a copy of … 02-06-2017 AZ Man Sentenced Trafficking Pet Products Counterfeit Label February 6, 2017: Arizona Man Sentenced for Trafficking in Pet Products with Counterfeit Labels Food and Drug Administration Office of Criminal Investigations U.S. Department of Justice Press...

Knoxville Man Pleads Guilty to Copyright Infringement and Trafficking ... Info This is archived material from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) website. It may contain outdated information and links may no longer function.

Trafficking in counterfeit labels

Trafficking in counterfeit labels

1857. Trafficking In Counterfeit Labels -- 18 U.S.C. 2318 | JM ... Section 3 amends 18 U.S.C. § 2318 to criminalize trafficking in counterfeit copyrighted computer program documentation or packaging or labels affixed or designed to be affixed to copies of copyrighted computer programs. The current provisions of § 2318 are limited to the prohibition of trafficking in counterfeit phonorecord and video labels. Appendix N - Circular 92 | U.S. Copyright Office Trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or counterfeit documentation or packaging 1 (a) (1) Whoever, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (c), knowingly traffics in— (A) a counterfeit label or illicit label affixed to, enclosing, or accompanying, or designed to be affixed to, enclose, or accompany— (i) a phonorecord; Text - H.R.11793 - 87th Congress (1961-1962): An Act to provide ... H.R.11793 - An Act to provide criminal penalties for trafficking in phonograph records bearing forged or counterfeit labels 87th Congress (1961-1962) Law Hide Overview Get more information See Coverage Dates for Collections and learn about other sources. Summary (0) Text (1) Actions (4) Titles (1) Amendments (0) Cosponsors (0)

Trafficking in counterfeit labels. California businessman pleads guilty in Houston to trafficking in ... May 15, 2017 Houston, TX Intellectual Property Rights and Commercial Fraud California businessman pleads guilty in Houston to trafficking in counterfeit veterinary-product labels and packaging HOUSTON — A California businessman has admitted to directing the manufacture of counterfeit veterinary-product labels and sending them to Houston. 18 USC 2318 - Trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or ... 18 U.S.C. § 2318 - Trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or counterfeit documentation or packaging Advertisement (a) (1) [1] Whoever, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (c), knowingly traffics in Four Men Charged with Trafficking in Pet Products with Counterfeit Labels Monday, August 3, 2015 Four Men Charged with Trafficking in Pet Products with Counterfeit Labels An indictment was recently unsealed in Houston charging four men with various offenses based on their roles in smuggling pet products with counterfeit labels into the United States. CHT 8 Flashcards | Quizlet Graphix S.A. traffics in labels that bear counterfeit trademarks. This is a crime a. only if the labels have negative effects on legitimate businesses. ... Pseudo Drugs Inc. is convicted of trafficking in counterfeit prescription drugs. As a penalty, the company may be ordered to pay restitution to the trademark holders in an amount equal to a ...

04-03-2017 CEO Guilty Trafficking Counterfeit Labels Packaging April 3, 2017 United States Department of Justice Southern District of Texas HOUSTON - A 48-year-old California resident has entered a guilty plea to trafficking in counterfeit labels and... PDF Combating Trafficking in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods to stem the tide of counterfeit and pirated goods. "Combating Trafficking in Counterfeit and Pirated Goods," has been prepared by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans. The report uses available data, substantial public input, and other information to develop a deeper California CEO pleads guilty in Houston to trafficking in counterfeit ... California CEO pleads guilty in Houston to trafficking in counterfeit labels and packaging HOUSTON — The CEO of a California-based company has entered a guilty plea to trafficking in counterfeit veterinary labels and packaging. This guilty plea was announced by Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez, Southern District of Texas. How holograms can stop counterfeiting | Since Glaxo first used a tamper-evident hologram to seal packages of Zantac in 1989, holograms have been utilized in a big way by the pharma/medical industry. Many major drug companies use holograms on at least some of their medicines in selected markets, and they are used in the form of labels, seals, hot-stamped patches and blister-pack foils.

PDF §2320 TITLE 18—CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Page 526 (A) if an ... §2320. Trafficking in counterfeit goods or serv-ices (a) OFFENSES.—Whoever intentionally— (1) traffics in goods or services and know-ingly uses a counterfeit mark on or in connec-tion with such goods or services, (2) traffics in labels, patches, stickers, wrap-pers, badges, emblems, medallions, charms, Text - H.R.11793 - 87th Congress (1961-1962): An Act to provide ... H.R.11793 - An Act to provide criminal penalties for trafficking in phonograph records bearing forged or counterfeit labels 87th Congress (1961-1962) Law Hide Overview Get more information See Coverage Dates for Collections and learn about other sources. Summary (0) Text (1) Actions (4) Titles (1) Amendments (0) Cosponsors (0) Appendix N - Circular 92 | U.S. Copyright Office Trafficking in counterfeit labels, illicit labels, or counterfeit documentation or packaging 1 (a) (1) Whoever, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (c), knowingly traffics in— (A) a counterfeit label or illicit label affixed to, enclosing, or accompanying, or designed to be affixed to, enclose, or accompany— (i) a phonorecord; 1857. Trafficking In Counterfeit Labels -- 18 U.S.C. 2318 | JM ... Section 3 amends 18 U.S.C. § 2318 to criminalize trafficking in counterfeit copyrighted computer program documentation or packaging or labels affixed or designed to be affixed to copies of copyrighted computer programs. The current provisions of § 2318 are limited to the prohibition of trafficking in counterfeit phonorecord and video labels.

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